We look forward to seeing you at the State Fair in September 2025 at the KHPA booth in the Pride of Kansas Building.
Thank you to all who volunteered at the 2024 Honey Booth! Because of you it was a huge success!
As a way to promote honey bees and their products, each year we sponsor a booth at the Kansas State Fair in the Pride of Kansas Building. We rely on our membership to help man the booth. Come learn and grow with us by volunteering! We would appreciate any time you have to offer. This is a wonderful time to interact with the public and share your beekeeping knowledge. The Signup Genius button will be available in July before the Fair start. Please check back then.
Please note: The honey and products sold at the fair are only sold at our sponsored booth during the fair. KHPA does not have a store or web presence for sales throughout the year. Please stock up while you are at the fair! You may contact the name on the individual labels to inquire about their products.
Congratulations to the 2024 Honey Show winners!!
Notes on correct fill level:
The correct fill level on a “Queen-line” or “Classic” style honey jar is at the top of the fill ring of each jar. The fill ring is the raised ridge or ring of glass immediately herein the shoulder of the jar, and herein the closure threads. It can be distinguished from the threads in two ways: a) the fill ring forms a complete circle, without ends; and b) the fill ring will be completely parallel with the bottom and top of the jar.
There should be enough honey in the jar to reach the top of the fill ring, without going over. . Liquid honey in a circular shape forms a concave surface sometimes referred to as a meniscus.
For purposes of filling jars containing liquid honey (including chunk comb entries) for exhibition, the edge of the meniscus should meet the top of the fill ring. Jars of creamed honey should be filled to the top edge of the fill ring. A jar of honey being over-filled is preferable to one being under-filled.