KHPA Membership

The association was founded in 1903 to serve the needs of beekeepers with the object of advancing the education of the public in Apiculture. The organization’s activities are directed towards enhancing the interests of the honey bee and beekeeping.

Beekeeping provides a never ending source of enjoyment and interest to an ever-increasing number of people of all ages and gender – who are taking it up as a hobby or a subsidiary source of income.  

For others who are already keeping bees, we can offer support and advice towards succeeding. We strive to set high standards for the promotion of honey and other bee products, and ensure the best beekeeping practices.

We encourage membership and involvement in the Kansas Honey Producers' Association, which is considered our state affiliate and includes members from all around the state of Kansas and outside the state.

Become A Member

We would love for you to join our association by becoming a member. See the list of benefits below.
There are three ways to join our group.
1. Completing the following Membership form and mail it along with your payment.
2. You may attend one of our meetings and register in person.
3. Click on the Join/Renew button below and register online.
Dues are $25 annually.

There is also a path to a lifetime membership with details at the bottom of the page.

KHPA Membership - annual

To process payment click cart top right corner of this page

Don’t miss registering for our next meeting!

What are the benefits?

Spring Meeting in March
Fall Meeting in November

BI-Annual Meetings

KHPA Newsletter
”The Cappings”

Meet Fellow Beekeepers

Open Apiary Classes

State Fair Honey Booth


Lifetime Membership

From the KHPA By-Laws re Life Memberships: Article IX- KHPA Life Membership Criteria

Sec. 1- KHPA annual members may become lifetime members by donating a complete beehive to KHPA for use in the State Bee Yards. The honey produced in the KHPA managed bee yards is sold at the Kansas State Fair. Money generated through honey sales is paid to the general fund to cover the life members’ annual dues.

Sec. 1a-Applying members shall provide the following equipment

  • 2 deep Langstroth-style 10 frame brood supers (9 5/8”)

  • 3 medium Langstroth-style 10 frame supers (6 5/8”)

  • New frames and foundation necessary to fill each super for a minimum of 50 frames and foundation. The State Bee Yard Coordinator will provide type and preference.

    • Hive bottom board

    • Telescoping cover

    • Inner Cover

  • Minimum of three (3) pounds of live bees including a queen

Sec. 1b- All woodenware must be commercially manufactured and be in NEW, UNUSED CONDITION. Exterior surfaces must be latex primed and painted white or other light color. Any alternative exterior finish must have the approval of the State Bee Yard Coordinator.

Sec. 1c- Bees for the Bee Yards, including queens, will be purchased by the State Bee Yard Coordinator. The State Bee Yard Coordinator will contact the member with the total cost including delivery. To complete the requirements for lifetime membership the donor will promptly pay the KHPA for the cost of the bees.

Sec. 1d- Delivery of a hive to one of the State Bee Yards will be the responsibility of the donor under the direction of the State Yard Coordinator.

Sec. 1e- Life membership shall begin January 1 of the following year provided all requirements have been satisfactorily fulfilled.!

Support Kansas Honey Producers’ Association!
