The Honey Bee - the official State Insect of Kansas since 1976.

Please join us and learn more about all the fun of beekeeping!

Our meetings are open to all interested in beekeeping and provide a good way to interact with and get to know beekeepers from around the state. We sponsor talented speakers on current topics for all things regarding honey bees.

The Kansas Honey Producers' Spring Conference
will be held on March 7-8, 2025

This beautiful quilt was one of the auction items at the fall meeting. It adds a lot of fun and excitement to our banquet! You don’t want to miss it! We gladly except donations for all of our auction items. 100% of the funds go to our scholarship grant fund. The grant’s purpose is to promote education and the establishment of an apiary in the state of Kansas.

For a swarm or bee removal, find a beekeeper on our swarm catcher list.

KHPA Membership

We meet in March and November for a 2 day learning conference. We also volunteer to support the Honey Exhibit at the Kansas State Fair each September in Hutchinson.

We are here as a resource and know that the interest in beekeeping brings much personal satisfaction to our members. Thank you for your interest.


We host biannual meetings, early March and early November, to inform beekeepers about new things and get opinions on beekeeping. Our meetings are open to all interested in beekeeping and provide a good way to interact with and get to know beekeepers from around the state. We sponsor talented speakers about current honey bee related items and more.

Buy Local Honey … Buy Kansas State Honey … Know your Beekeeper

Support Kansas Honey Producers’ Association!
